
Grow cotton Learn more about Grow cotton

  • Which country was the first country to grow cotton?

    Which country was the first country to grow cotton?

    Cotton, the seed fiber of Malvaceae, is native to the subtropics. The countries with the highest cotton production are China, the United States, India and so on. So, which country was the first country to grow cotton? I. the country that first planted cotton, the first country in the world to grow cotton

    2020-11-08 The earliest planting flower country is which cotton Jin
  • What kind of cotton farmers abandon cotton? Some plots have been planted

    What kind of cotton farmers abandon cotton? Some plots have been planted

    At present, it is the season for cotton seedling cultivation. However, affected by the drop in cotton purchase price, the enthusiasm of cotton farmers in some main cotton producing areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has generally declined. Many cotton fields have been planted with other crops or abandoned, and trees have been planted in some fields.

    2016-03-20 cotton farmers abandoned cotton for what kind part plot planted trees now
  • How to grow cotton? What are the high-yield technologies?

    How to grow cotton? What are the high-yield technologies?

    Cotton is an annual herb of cotton genus of Malvaceae, and it is one of the most important cash crops in the world. Cotton planting has a high planting value, so how to grow cotton? The following is to introduce the high-yield planting techniques of cotton, let's learn about it. Planting conditions of cotton

  • How to apply potash fertilizer to grow cotton?

    How to apply potash fertilizer to grow cotton?

    How to apply potash fertilizer to grow cotton? Please introduce that on the issue of cotton fertilization, we generally pay attention to the application of phosphorus fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer, but do not pay enough attention to the application of potassium fertilizer. According to the data, for every 50 kg lint production, it is necessary to absorb 9 kg of pure nitrogen, 3 kg of pure phosphorus and 8 kg of pure potassium from the soil.

  • What is the cause of the excessive growth of cotton? Can spraying fertilizer be prevented?

    What is the cause of the excessive growth of cotton? Can spraying fertilizer be prevented?

    Cotton production occupies a very important position in China, because cotton is grown in many places in our country. In the process of planting cotton, growers will encounter a very headache phenomenon, that is, cotton will grow too much in the field.

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  • When will cotton be planted?

    When will cotton be planted?

    Cotton is the seed fiber of cotton genus of Malvaceae, its origin is subtropical. It was introduced into China at the end of the 19th century. It has been widely cultivated in various cotton producing areas of the country, and has replaced tree cotton and grass cotton. Now the highest cotton yield in the world is in China, the United States, India, Brazil, Mexico and other places.

  • How to grow Cotton this year: a Survey of Cotton planting in various Cotton producing areas

    How to grow Cotton this year: a Survey of Cotton planting in various Cotton producing areas

    Anhui-Restoration growth of Cotton acreage in order to understand the crop planting structure of farmers in Anhui Province this year, the Anhui investigation team of the National Bureau of Statistics recently selected 3220 farmers from 31 counties (districts) in the province to carry out a survey of farmers' crop intention. The results show that this year, the total sown area of crops in Anhui Province is basically stable, the area of grain crops continues to increase, the area of cash crops such as rape and medicinal materials decreases greatly, and the area of other crops is basically the same. In 2006, 3220 farmers owned 21257 mu of arable land.

  • Post-disaster management method of cotton hail

    Post-disaster management method of cotton hail

    Timely drainage and waterlogging prevention hail is often accompanied by strong wind and rainstorm, which often causes stagnant water in the field, and the soil moisture is too large, which is easy to cause cotton root damage and affect the normal growth of cotton. After the hail disaster, the cotton field soil is hardened, the ground temperature is low and the humidity is high. All kinds of disaster cotton fields should be ploughed in time to loosen the soil, break the consolidation, increase the ground temperature, promote the physiological activity of the root system, and make the cotton plants resume normal growth as soon as possible. For the severely damaged cotton fields with more than 80% cotton plants and bare stalks after the hail disaster, it is suggested that cotton plants should be pulled out and planted with other crops to minimize the number of crops.

  • The change of the layout of the main Cotton producing areas in China the reduction of the area of the Yangtze and Yellow River basins

    The change of the layout of the main Cotton producing areas in China the reduction of the area of the Yangtze and Yellow River basins

    This year's Central Committee No. 1 document proposed to launch the pilot project of cotton target price reform in Xinjiang. In April, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture jointly released a target price of 19800 yuan per ton for cotton in 2014. At the same time of the introduction of the cotton target price policy, cancel the temporary harvest.

    2016-03-20 China cotton main producing areas layout changes Yangtze River Yellow River basins
  • The latest distribution of cotton producing areas

    The latest distribution of cotton producing areas

    Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world. it is an annual herb of the genus Malvaceae with shrubby plants. it can grow up to 6 meters high in the tropics, usually 1 to 2 meters high. the countries with the highest yields are China, the United States, India, Brazil, Mexico and Egypt.

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  • Introduction to the requirements of planting conditions and growth environment of cotton

    Introduction to the requirements of planting conditions and growth environment of cotton

    Cotton is the seed fiber of cotton plants of Malvaceae, which is native to the subtropics. The flowers of plants are milky white or pink flowers. It is usually said that cotton is the fiber inside the fruit that grows after flowering and breaks out when it is ripe. Like heat, good light, drought tolerance, taboo stains, suitable for planting in loose and deep soil

  • How to prevent and control cotton boll rot

    How to prevent and control cotton boll rot

    How to prevent and control cotton boll rot

  • The latest prevention and control of cotton boll rot

    The latest prevention and control of cotton boll rot

    The reason for cotton boll rot is basically due to too many Rain Water in summer and poor ventilation, resulting in a variety of bacteria invading cotton and causing cotton boll disease. Cotton boll rot is the most common disease of cotton boll disease, which occurs more or less every year, which will seriously affect cotton.

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  • Distribution of cotton producing area

    Distribution of cotton producing area

    Distribution of cotton producing area

  • Technical questions and answers on Cotton Bud stage Management

    Technical questions and answers on Cotton Bud stage Management

    1. What is the bud period? Answer: when buckwheat grain size triangular buds appear on the first fruit branch of cotton plant, it is called budding. 50% of cotton plants in the whole field are called budding stage; when 50% of cotton plant fourth fruit branch is budding, it is called budding stage. The bud period is generally between 25 and 30 days, and "28 flowers with buds" (days) refers to the bud stage. The cultivation mode and temperature are different, the bud stage is slightly different, and the bud stage is generally from early June to early July in the north of the Yellow River. 2. Why should we pay attention to the management of bud period? A: this stage is

  • The method of spreading seeds in cotton

    The method of spreading seeds in cotton

    Cotton is one of the most important economic crops in China, which has a long history. At present, the cotton planted is used in imitation industry, beauty products and so on. What is the method for cotton to spread seeds? First, what is the method of spreading seeds in cotton? Cotton is spread by wind.

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  • The transformation effect of cotton planting on soil, the harm of cotton planting to soil is very great?

    The transformation effect of cotton planting on soil, the harm of cotton planting to soil is very great?

    India is an important cotton producer in the world, however, there are few non-genetically modified cotton seeds in India because there is something wrong with the original cotton seeds. This is what we can't feel at the end of consumers and users. About ten

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  • The latest way to prevent the tall seedlings of cotton

    The latest way to prevent the tall seedlings of cotton

    Cotton is planted all over our country, and the planting history in our country is also very long. However, when we grow cotton, if we do not manage it properly, then there will often be some problems. And the tall seedling is one of them, the cotton tall seedling.

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  • Nine reminders of cotton management in the later stage

    Nine reminders of cotton management in the later stage

    Now cotton has entered the boll opening stage, which is the last growth stage. Throughout September, the upper cotton bolls continued to grow and enrich. There are still more than 50 days left between now and the harvest in late October. If the management is relaxed, it is still possible to suffer heavy losses. (1) ideologically, we should not relax the management in the later stage, especially if we do not think that if there are not too many cotton peaches, we are no longer willing to invest in high yield. If you can keep more than 40,000 cotton peaches per mu and let it grow up and open well, you can harvest four or five hundred jin of seed cotton per mu. I downloaded 6 new cotton varieties under national examination in our province.

  • Domestic cotton prices have entered an era of low prices and the phenomenon of cotton farmers abandoning cotton has spread.

    Domestic cotton prices have entered an era of low prices and the phenomenon of cotton farmers abandoning cotton has spread.

    At present, it is the season for cotton breeding, but under the influence of the drop in cotton purchase prices, the enthusiasm of cotton farmers in some major cotton producing areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has generally declined, and many cotton fields have been changed to other crops or abandoned, and trees have been planted in some fields.

    2016-03-20 Domestic cotton price entry low price era cotton farmers abandon cotton phenomenon